The course aims to develop students' skills in analyzing user experiences and identifying solutions to address user challenges or needs regarding a certain product and its functionality.
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The course aims to develop students' ability to think critically about an emerging discipline; ability to use new media theory to make sense of emerging technologies...
The course aims to: examine the twentieth century from an external perspective; explore the major political, economic, and cultural transformations of the era...
A primary objective of the course is to shift focus from the prevailing visual-centric discourse to an in-depth analysis of sound.
The course aims to develop the students' skills in analyzing scholarly-written sources, as well as working with empirical data, such as tests, audio, and video data within the field of sociology of technology.
The goal of the course is to develop a comprehensive and enduring understanding of the ongoing and systematic evolution of pedagogical phenomena and processes.
SAS faculty have implemented AI tools to assist students in writing essays through their interaction with these systems.
SAS faculty also employed AI tools and chatbots as tutors, helping students improve their writing skills and assignments.
SAS faculty also used AI chatbots to support thesis supervision. Ashraf Ismail, in his Research Seminar - Economics course, asked students to input their thesis hypotheses and data into various chatbots...
In the Ecce Homo course, Excellence Track students divided participants into four groups to complete the same assignment under proctored conditions.